Replace an Agamatic Oil Boiler

Replace an Agamatic Oil Boiler

Isn’t it great when things just ‘work’?

As installers or service engineers you already have a difficult and time-consuming job, so the last thing you need is to be fiddling around with a cumbersome boiler or going back and forth to your customers’ home every time something goes wrong.

That’s why we make sure that our boilers are not only easy to install, and easy to service, but that they utilise high performance, long-life parts that are reliable and efficient!

Step in the Bentone BF1 Burner

The ‘Bentone’ brand name may not be that familiar to you, however EOGB probably is. Up to a few years ago, EOGB were the main distributors of Bentone’s burners in the UK – their BF1 burners were designed from scratch, specifically for condensing technology and in addition to being compliant with impending NOx regulations, are without a doubt, the easiest burner on the market to service!

The Bentone Burner used in Hounsfield Boilers, the only domestic burner designed from scratch for condensing technology. Check out this video to see the benefits.

We’ve been busy…

Replacing an Agamatic oil boiler at the prestigious Helmingham Hall.

Helmingham Hall - new Agamatic oil boiler, Hounsfield Boilers

We were contacted regarding a replacement boiler to fit inside the Agamatic boiler sitting inside Helmingham Hall in Suffolk.

new Hounsfield oil boiler for Agamatic in Helmingham Hall

Aga no longer sell a boiler attachment for these so, ever helpful, we popped down and with a few modifications, replaced the Agamatic oil boiler with a Tuscan boiler.

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